"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change"

Albert Einstein

Group 19

Are you the

deBa champion?

Every workplace change represents a challenge for the people charged with implementing the change. Even though deBa is a relatively simple and low risk system to introduce into an organisation, we all know that there will be some level of resistance for the deBa champion/s to overcome. The 'must haves' that will ensure success are:


Leadership support


Clear communication on the 'why'


Provide Direction and Encouragement


As the deBa Champion you need to know:

The Musts:

1.      It is imperative that deBa is supported by the company’s senior leaders.

2.      Communicating why deBa is being implemented to leaders and personnel, e.g. consistency in leadership, better engagement, clarity and feedback, strengthen communication, bolster a continuous improvement culture etc.

3.      Consider the support and direction for leaders to how they ought to use it

a.      Perhaps make it a performance goal and give leaders guidance on how often you expect them to use deBa e.g. log 5 conversations per week, or 2 conversations per employee per week etc. This will of course depend on your workplace.

b.      Consider making it a mandatory part of the leadership role. Studies have shown, if people are given a clear directive (you will be required to…) as opposed to an open-ended option (let’s give it a go and see if it works…), they will more likely choose not to engage, and it will not achieve your desired goals.

4.      Keep encouraging leaders, especially emerging leaders to use the app. We’re changing habits remember.


1.      Know that with any change, especially when we are changing leadership habits, it takes time.

2.      Know that it will feel a little uncomfortable or clunky at the beginning, this will get better!

3.      You will get resistance – push through, like any change, it can feel hard and uncomfortable, this is necessary to get to the other side!

4.      deBa is designed to develop habits in leaders to have more deliberate and meaningful conversations.

5.      I don’t have time – is not an excuse. Logging a conversation in deBa takes about 10-15 seconds. A leader saying they don’t have time, is really saying they are not leading effectively!

6.      There will always be excuses why they can’t do it, my staff are off sick, it’s been so busy, I have a report due, we have a machine breakdown, I was on the road visiting clients, the list is endless. Leaders regardless, should be having daily/weekly conversations with their people and using deBa takes mere seconds… people will always find an excuse, your role as the Champion is to support the leaders to continuously improve their leadership habits, and not get bogged-down with excuses!


Setup Guide

The first account that is setup when the subscription is started becomes the first Administrator. This first administrator must add additional user/s and can then assign admin rights to as many of these users as they wish to. Any admin can use this guide to setup or modify deBa at any stage.


Add Users - individually or bulk upload (see 'how to' video below)


Add Organisational Values


Add Organisational Goals if applicable


Setup Guide

Upload bulk users