Finally a leadership development

tool that works

Developing leadership skills within an organisation is an essential requirement for businesses looking to establish and sustain a positive workplace culture. deBa is designed to integrate leadership development into the daily actions and culture of an organisation.


Provides daily structured leadership opportunities within your team  


Encourages frequent informal chats as opposed to retrospective high pressure reviews


Helps to build strong leadership habits within your natural workflow through an easy to use app 


Ensures leadership accountability up and down the leadership chain with beautiful dashboards to to help visualise progress 


"Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile."

Vince Lombardi

Group 19

Why Quality Leadership Matters

Quality leadership is the core ingredient of an engaged workplace and is the primary driver of a high-performance team. Despite the obvious requirement for leadership development, few organisations have dedicated leadership programs or leadership systems in place that drive leaders to improve.

Quality leadership training and coaching is hard to come by and is usually limited to leadership training courses or one-off events aimed at an entire cadre. One on one leadership coaching for an entire organisation is too expensive and often not the best solution for a busy workplace.

deBa solves these problems in the following ways: 

* Easy to implement - be up and running in an afternoon - no lock in contracts

* Cost effective - minimal per-user charge to ensure you only pay for what you need

* Anyone can use it - from a team leader to a CEO, deBa is designed to fit seamlessly into a busy workflow without causing an additional workload

* Proven methodologies - deBa takes high performance leadership development tactics and makes them easy to apply to busy workplaces and everyday teams

Why deBa leadership solutions?

deBa is designed to integrate leadership development into the daily actions and culture of an entire organisation or a single team. It works by requiring the internal leadership team to be accountable for the leadership development of subordinates, thus creating a self-sustaining culture of continuous improvement and high performance.

It does this through: 

* Informal quick chats with team members to provide real-time feedback

* Helping Leaders focus on behaviours and company values as opposed to KPIs and external factors out of the team’s control

* Providing the tech and structure to guide leaders in their roles 

"Leadership is an infinite skill that should never be considered complete or perfect"

Group 19

Real-Time Leadership Assessment

deBa provides practical and realistic leadership development opportunities daily, ensuring individuals maintain focus on high impact improvement areas and a dedication to best practice leadership. 

Upper management  can quickly and easily monitor leadership behaviour, providing real-time, on the job advice and coaching based on actual events as opposed to retrospective reviews. deBa enables an open and transparent communication link between leaders that ensures accountability and a dedication to utilising best practice leadership methods.

"deBa's Leadership Model is revolutionary in it's simplicity."

Group 19

Best Practice Methodology

The best practice leadership methods that deBa instils are centred on two requirements: 

1. That  leaders communicate transparently and regularly with their team members and

2. They focus on values-based behaviours versus outcomes. 

This shift from focusing on KPIs to values ensures that organisational culture is aligned on what is important to the business and that team members have complete clarity as to what is expected from them.

Continuous Improvement

deBa also promotes the concept that leaders are required to coach and support their team members. A leader’s role is more than just being “good on the tools” or understanding how the place works. All leaders are required to coach and inspire their personnel. deBa acknowledges this skill set is not inherent in every person who finds themselves in a leadership position, however, it can be taught and developed through focus and repeated practice. 

Leadership is an infinite skill that should never be considered complete or perfect. A continuous improvement mindset is a requisite for good leadership, and this is precisely what deBa provides.