Behaviour based

goals create great culture.

A culture of continuous improvement is one that involves consistency when discussing behaviour improvement. It is not a once-a-month discussion; it is a daily discussion. It’s not a formal, pro-longed and awkward conversation, it is a directed two-way casual conversation that promotes the nuance of improvement, without a focus on negativity or highlighting errors.


Link goals to organisational success


Create a culture of continuous improvement


Focus appropriate attention and resources to achieving goals


"A goal properly set is half way reached"

Zig Ziglar

Group 19

Setting Workplace Goals

Setting workplace goals is a little bit like eating vegetables when you were a kid. You know you should, but you don’t really want to. When your parents force you to eat them, you often don’t finish them and even if you do, you don’t see any immediate benefit.

deBa is designed to break this mentality by enabling workplace goals to be edible, digestible and effective. When setting work performance goals and managing them within deBa, organisations will see tangible benefits both individually and within your workplace team.

Why Workplace Goals Are Important


It is a well-documented fact that workplace motivation requires an individual to have both an ability to improve and a purpose for doing so. Linking employee goals to organisational success provides purpose whereas the focus on personal improvement provides the required mastery.


Successful teams share a common trait and belief that improvement is a never-ending journey. “Perfection doesn’t have a finish line”. Teamwork performance goals are set to enable individuals and the organisation to create a culture of continuous improvement.


A goal enables a workplace to hone in on specific areas, ensuring clarity in the workplace. This focus means appropriate attention and resources are devoted to achieving the goal.


Goals for Performance Management

It’s also important for us to remember that performance goals should NOT be used for determining rewards or punishments. Rewards systems certainly have a place in business but it’s important to not link them to goal achievements.

Linking a bonus, promotion or other benefits to the achievement of a goal has a damaging long-term effect on the culture of the organisation.

Performance goals are designed to achieve a culture of continuous improvement and ‘If/then’ reward-based goals produce a culture that is more focused on the achievement of the reward rather than ongoing improvement.

This focus on extrinsic rewards results in individuals opting for the easiest way out. Which is not the best path to take. Contrast this to intrinsic goals, which focus on behaviour improvement, and we remove the shortcuts, resulting in employees taking the preferred path for self-development.

Goals for performance management are designed to improve individuals, to the goal must be centred on factors that the individual can control. People can control their own behaviours; they cannot control outcomes and so performance goals should be focused on behaviours.

The Role of Supervisors & Managers in Workplace Goals

The pursuit of a culture of continuous improvement requires the development of leadership through mentorship and coaching whereas ‘If/then’ reward-based goals and cultures obligate the leader to be an umpire or a referee. In a true culture of continuous improvement, the leader is on as much of an improvement journey as those who report to them.

"Goals are designed to improve individuals, so the goal must be centered on factors that the individual can control. People can control their own behaviours; they cannot control outcomes and so improvement goals should be focused on behaviours."

Group 19

The implication for leaders is that to be successful in this, they need to act as a coach and mentor. deBa’s role is to provide leaders, supervisors and managers with effective tools to achieve this.