deBa puts humans at the centre of your workplace culture. deBa creates the keystone organisational habit of effective communication for all leaders by facilitating regular and meaningful one-on-one conversations.

Effective Communication

Effective conversations are those that are focussed on behaviour over outcomes. They are empathetic, two way and positive. deBa’s app serves as a cue to not only have these conversations regularly, but also reinforces the alignment of conversation to what’s important in the workplace.

During their normal working day, leaders use the app to remind themselves to have a conversation related to something they have observed or need to discuss with their team members. It then allows the leader to quickly record the conversation in deBa.

The deBa app is not intended to replace two-way communication, but rather to enhance the opportunities for more relevant conversations and provide transparency and accountability for these conversations. Once had, the app easily captures these conversations and what they were about.

Over time, this simple and quick action of logging conversations has a powerful effect on the development of keystone habits and thus the development of a culture of continuous improvement.

Successful habit loops require a ‘cue’ and a ‘reward’. deBa becomes both the cue and the reward in the keystone habit of effective organisational communication.

Continuous Improvement

Another key benefit of deBa’s app is its transparency whereby the leaders’ leader can easily see what conversations are taking place, in real time, and use this as a coaching and development opportunity to improve an organisations leadership skills at all levels. deBa is a proactive and practical tool that assists leaders to sharply focus their coaching efforts on real life, practical situations occurring right in front of them and therefore reducing lag times in getting to the heart of issues.

Just as importantly, positive behaviours are reinforced, meaning organisational values are always at the forefront of everything in the workplace.

These open conversations delivering clear expectations build a culture of continuous improvement.

The intuitive and informative dashboards enable quick analysis across an organisation giving invaluable data related to performance, productivity, leadership and more.