Pedro is the owner of a mechanical engineering business servicing mining equipment in the Hunter Valley. During the coal price boom of 2021, his business tripled in size from 55 employees to more than 150 employees in under 6 months. Whilst business was good, Pedro started to realise that he was having more and more “people issues” generated by poor leadership which was resulting in a plummeting level of morale and increasing resignations. To make matters worse, many of his best employees were leaving to work for the competition.

Pedro however did have an excellent team of young apprentices and junior mechanics who he had been nurturing for several years. Whilst they were all still very green and had a lot to learn, he was highly motivated to ensure that they would stay with the business and eventually grow into leadership positions.

Pedro set up goals for each of his young charges that were specifically focused on leadership growth. Each person was different however, deBa enabled Pedro to set up individual behaviour-based goals quickly and easily for every person to focus them on attaining vital leadership skills. deBa then enabled Pedro to ensure that he remained focussed on supporting and coaching the young mechanics whilst also providing them with a sense of purpose and motivation.

This succession planning allowed Pedro to promote his best mechanics into leadership positions over time which has kept his morale high, workplace culture intact and allowed him to enter retirement with the comfortable knowledge that he had built a sustainable and effective business.

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